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Software products


Soft­ware from trans­port logi­stics experts for the best in the industry



The Swiss Com­mer­cial Vehic­le Asso­cia­ti­on ASTAG has for years been offe­ring ASTAG cal­cu­la­ti­on bases (ASTAG GU) for gene­ral car­go, part and full load trans­port. ASTAG VZU is the cal­cu­la­ti­on aid for the trans­port of liquid fuels and spe­cial pro­ducts in cistern vehicles.

xGU and distance and tariff lists


Xpla­nis pro­vi­des a ran­ge of advan­ced soft­ware and ser­vices based on ASTAG GU data. The xGU enables the fast and uncom­pli­ca­ted crea­ti­on of cost matri­ces, quo­ta­ti­on cal­cu­la­ti­ons, post-cal­cu­la­ti­ons and the like. Based on the ASTAG GU cal­cu­la­ti­on prin­ci­ples, Xpla­nis also offers cus­to­mer-spe­ci­fic distance and tariff lists from defi­ned depar­tu­re points for all postal codes in Switzerland.

PTV SmarTour


Whe­ther dai­ly, weekly or mixed trans­ports, depot-rela­ted orders or direct deli­veries — PTV Smar­tour plans and opti­mi­ses tours taking into account your master data and indi­vi­du­al plan­ning objects.
With PTV Smar­tour, plan­ned tours can be trans­fer­red direct­ly to the X4fleet and thus to the terminal.



For the cal­cu­la­ti­on of geo­gra­phic and logi­stic func­tions in X4fleet we use PTV xSer­ver. With the PTV xSer­vers, we have the same tech­no­lo­gy in the form of powerful soft­ware com­pon­ents as the PTV products.

PTV Truck Navigator


The pro­fes­sio­nal navi­ga­ti­on solu­ti­on from PTV for trucks takes dri­vers to their desti­na­ti­on quick­ly and safe­ly, as the rou­te is cal­cu­la­ted spe­ci­fi­cal­ly for each vehic­le type. This inclu­des the con­side­ra­ti­on of truck attri­bu­tes, truck rou­ting, truck bans, bridge heights, hazar­dous goods rest­ric­tions, weight rest­ric­tions and much more. This saves dri­vers detours, time and money.