CH: +41 31 359 24 54 / DE: +49 721 5099265 100
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Xpla­nis AG
Zent­weg 7
3006 Bern

Tel.: +41 31 359 24 54

Mon­day — Fri­day
08.00 h — 12.00 h
13.30 h — 17.00 h

Tel.: +41 31 359 24 77

Where to find us

Xpla­nis AG in Ber­ne is loca­ted at Zent­weg 7 in the city of Ber­ne. From Bern main sta­ti­on, take bus no. 10 in the direc­tion of Oster­mun­di­gen and get off at the Wal­deck stop (jour­ney time approx. 16 minu­tes). From the­re, fol­low the Zent­weg for approx. 500m on foot, wal­king time approx. 5 minutes.

Approach route


Tram line 9 to Guis­an­platz, then walk to the Zent­weg (approx. 8 minu­tes on foot)


Coming from Zurich or Lau­sanne, take the exit Wank­dorf and fol­low the signs to Oster­mun­di­gen, but stay on the right lane. Turn right into Bol­lig­erstras­se in the direc­tion of Post­fi­nan­ce. After about 500 meters you can turn left into the Zentweg.

Coming from Thun, take the Wank­dorf exit and fol­low the signs towards Oster­mun­di­gen, but stay on the right lane and then turn right into Bol­lig­erstras­se in the direc­tion of Post­fi­nan­ce. After about 500 met­res you can turn left into Zentweg

SBB railway station

Sports enthu­siasts can take the train to Wank­dorf sta­ti­on and then walk along the Gre­at All­mend on foot over the pede­stri­an motor­way bridge to the small All­mend. The small All­mend bor­ders direct­ly on the Zent­weg. Wal­king time about 15 minu­tes, wal­king time about 20 minutes.

By bus

From Bern main sta­ti­on, take bus no. 10 in the direc­tion of Oster­mun­di­gen and get off at the Wal­deck stop (jour­ney time approx. 16 minu­tes). From the­re, fol­low the Zent­weg for approx. 500m on foot, wal­king time approx. 5 minu­tes.
Alter­na­tively, you can take the local bus Bol­li­gen-Itti­gen-Güm­li­gen to the bus stop Zent.