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With us, not only your drivers will reach their destination faster. But your whole business.

Real-time logistics management.



With X4Fleet you always know who or what is where, why, how much longer it takes, where it goes after that, how much it all costs, and how much you could save.

3 good reasons to choose X4 Fleet:

More efficient dispatching.
Better communication.

X4Fleet crea­tes trans­pa­ren­cy and faci­li­ta­tes qua­li­ty con­trol. From moni­to­ring to order manage­ment to stop pro­ces­sing. For dis­patchers and dri­vers alike.

More room for your core competencies.

X4Fleet brings your trans­port logi­stics up to date and makes you fit for Logi­stics 4.0. With inno­va­ti­ve solu­ti­ons indi­vi­du­al­ly tail­o­red to your com­pa­ny. And sup­port for implementation.

Better controlling.
Greater savings.

No mat­ter whe­ther you want to intro­du­ce X4Fleet direct­ly or first opti­mi­ze your exi­sting logi­stics struc­tures. We can help you cut costs right away.

Connected processes, customers and suppliers.

Real-time logistics management.

Connected business processes

Opti­mi­ze inter-divi­sio­nal busi­ness pro­ces­ses and achie­ve com­pe­ti­ti­ve advantages

Interconnected world

Net­work with your cus­to­mers, sup­pliers and part­ners. Ensu­re unin­ter­rupt­ed data exchange

Rapid implementation, fast value creation

Acce­le­ra­te go-live, shor­ten payback time, mone­ti­ze invest­ments, and lay the foun­da­ti­on for sus­tainable optimization.

Modularization, the key to your success.

Real-time logistics management.

One platform, great design flexibility

With a wide varie­ty of modu­les and exten­si­ons, you can design your appli­ca­ti­on to fit pre­cis­e­ly and at opti­mi­zed cost.

Customized standard software

Exten­si­ve set­tings on all levels allow exten­si­ve cus­to­mizati­on accor­ding to your needs.

Individual modules for the uniqueness

With spe­cial modu­les tail­o­red to your needs, you ensu­re your distinc­ti­ve­ness in the market.

Integrated partner solutions for your digitization.

Real-time logistics management.

Partner solutions expand horizons

Sel­ec­ted part­ner solu­ti­ons enable you to con­sist­ent­ly pur­sue your digi­tal stra­tegy. Inte­gra­te data and pro­ces­ses across all busi­ness units to meet your needs.

Strong network of partners

To enable you to extend the X4fleet plat­form, we work with repu­ta­ble indu­stry sup­pliers. With a part­ner con­cept that focu­ses on open­ness, qua­li­ty and coope­ra­ti­on of equ­als, we are con­ti­nuous­ly expan­ding the digi­tal plat­form for you.

Stronger together

We focus on our core com­pe­tence. We expand into addi­tio­nal are­as with part­ner solu­ti­ons that are opti­mal­ly lin­ked to our plat­form. In doing so, we remain the sole point of cont­act for our cus­to­mer and ensu­re inte­gra­ti­on or connection.

Comprehensive training and support: the key to your success.

Real-time logistics management.


Our own aca­de­my ensu­res inter­nal and exter­nal trai­ning. Trains our cus­to­mers’ employees and pro­vi­des trai­ning mate­ri­als.
In clo­se coope­ra­ti­on with ASTAG, Xpla­nis is invol­ved in the nati­on­wi­de trai­ning of future dispatchers.


We won’t lea­ve you behind after suc­cessful launch. Thanks to con­ti­nuous moni­to­ring of our powerful plat­form, our sup­port team can take pre­ven­ti­ve action and effec­tively sup­port our customers.


We want to remain in con­stant exch­an­ge with our cus­to­mers, deve­lop tog­e­ther, adapt to con­stant­ly chan­ging needs to grow and con­ti­nuous­ly impro­ve tog­e­ther with our customers.

Who’s behind XPlanis?

Real-time logistics management.

Your competitor is evolving, but what’s with you? In the present day, optimizing transport logistics is an important success factor. The more efficient your processes are, the better you will position yourself on the market in the long term. We guide you to your destination: With innovative methods and systems as well as customer-specific solutions, we bring your transport logistics up to date.
We make you fit for Logistics 4.0: You can use a powerful, cloud-based transport management system too — exploit the possibilities of machine-to-machine communication. While we streamline your transport logistics, making them more transparent and cost-effective, you can focus completely on your core competencies.

Rudolf Hän­ni
Chief Exe­cu­ti­ve Offi­cer, Mgmt Board-mem­ber
Xpla­nis AG

Our offer

Manage­ment sup­port
As experts in trans­port logi­stics, we are able to effec­tively sup­port cus­to­mers in the deve­lo­p­ment and exe­cu­ti­on of cor­po­ra­te and mar­ket changes.

Soft­ware launch
Good plan­ning and pre­pa­ra­ti­on are the cor­ner­s­to­nes for a suc­cessful soft­ware imple­men­ta­ti­on. Bene­fit from our experience.

Pro­jects and refe­ren­ces
Logi­stics 4.0 is a rea­li­ty. You can find inno­va­ti­ve solu­ti­ons in our soft­ware and con­sul­ting projects.

Ope­ra­ti­on and sup­port
We won’t lea­ve you behind after suc­cessful launch. Thanks to con­ti­nuous moni­to­ring of our powerful plat­form, our sup­port team can take pre­ven­ti­ve action and effec­tively sup­port our customers.

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