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Xplanis wins 1st place at the logistics TIP of the VNL

Pro­fes­sor Dr. Her­bert Rui­le, Ver­ein Netz­werk Logi­stik vnl, & Stif­tung Logi­stik Schweiz, “It was par­ti­cu­lar­ly important for us that this event took place in this form and that Easy­fairs agreed to orga­ni­se a natio­nal trade fair for Swiss logi­stics. It was the­r­e­fo­re a very spe­cial occa­si­on for me to use this oppor­tu­ni­ty to pre­sent the logi­stics com­pact­ly in many facets and dimen­si­ons. It was a gre­at chall­enge to gene­ra­te the logi­stics TIP with the sup­port of Easy­fairs as an inno­va­ti­on plat­form for young entre­pre­neurs, start-ups and estab­lished com­pa­nies with inno­va­ti­ve ide­as. This has given them a plat­form that they would other­wi­se not have on the mar­ket. Due to the Logi­stics TIP awards cerem­o­ny and the seven inno­va­ti­ve exhi­bi­tors at the TIP joint stand, the­re was an enorm­ous influx of visi­tors and visi­tors, which was an abso­lu­te high­light for me “.

Prof. Dr. Her­bert Rui­le, Ver­ein Netz­werk Logi­stik vnl/Stiftung Logi­stik Schweiz (Asso­cia­ti­on for Net­work Logi­stics vnl/Stiftung Logi­stik Schweiz), emphasizes:“We award­ed the two com­pa­nies for their inno­va­ti­ve waste dis­po­sal con­cept solu­ti­ons tog­e­ther with logi­stics in a sta­te-ori­en­ted solu­ti­on pro­ce­du­re in the pre­sence of the jury, the CTI, the Basel logi­stics clu­ster and the trade fair manage­ment of Easy­fairs. The pri­ze inclu­ded a pain­ting by an artist from Munich who crea­ted a very colorful and moti­vat­ing pic­tu­re to match the colourful event here in Zurich.”