CH: +41 31 359 24 54 / DE: +49 721 5099265 100
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About us

Xplanis AG — Your experts in transport logistics

Historical background

In 2000, ASIT AG’s IT acti­vi­ties were trans­fer­red to the new­ly foun­ded PTV SWISS AG. PTV SWISS AG was foun­ded as a sub­si­dia­ry of the Ger­man PTV AG Karls­ru­he. In 2010, the then Mana­ging Direc­tor Rudolf Hän­ni took over the majo­ri­ty of PTV SWISS AG as part of an MBO. The com­pa­ny was then restruc­tu­red over seve­ral stages into its pre­sent form with an exten­ded cir­cle of owners and board of direc­tors, and ended with the name chan­ge to Xpla­nis AG..

Company goal and mission statement

In the field of trans­port logi­stics, we are per­cei­ved as experts in trans­port manage­ment, trans­port plan­ning and opti­mi­sa­ti­on and as a renow­ned pro­vi­der of con­sul­ting and trans­port manage­ment IT solu­ti­ons. With our solu­ti­ons and con­sul­ting exper­ti­se, we are reco­gni­zed by our cus­to­mers and help to sol­ve plan­ning, opti­mizati­on and pro­cess issues effi­ci­ent­ly and effec­tively in the long term. With con­sul­ting and sca­lable soft­ware solu­ti­ons based on the most modern tech­no­lo­gies and which fit seam­less­ly into your pro­ces­ses, we pro­vi­de trans­port logi­stics in the shor­test pos­si­ble time:

  • for fast and shorter processes
  • sus­tainable cost savings
  • con­sidera­ble impro­ve­ment in transparency

We focus on the fol­lo­wing industries:

  • Cou­rier, express and par­cel services
  • retail busi­ness
  • hau­la­ge contractor
  • Trade and production
  • Sales force and ser­vice organizations
  • dis­po­sal

Our range of services


  • Trans­port logi­stics con­sul­ting, test and simu­la­ti­on planning
  • Opti­mizati­on poten­ti­al analyses
  • Stra­te­gic and tac­ti­cal trans­port planning
  • Site ana­ly­ses and area optimization
  • Trend ana­ly­sis and map­ping of forecasts


Deve­lo­p­ment, dis­tri­bu­ti­on and intro­duc­tion of a cloud-based trans­port manage­ment system; deve­lo­p­ment, dis­tri­bu­ti­on and intro­duc­tion of a vehic­le APP sui­ta­ble for the trans­port manage­ment system; dis­tri­bu­ti­on and intro­duc­tion of logi­stics soft­ware for rou­te plan­ning and opti­mizati­on, cost cal­cu­la­ti­on and sup­p­ly chain design.

What distinguishes us in particular

  • We are experts in trans­port logi­stics and bring our expe­ri­ence to the con­sul­ting and soft­ware (from trans­port logi­stics experts for the best in the industry)
  • Through our quan­ti­ta­ti­ve approach to con­sul­ting, we ensu­re traceable results and a high degree of transparency.
  • Our cross-indu­stry and many years of experience

Organization and responsibilities


Rudolf Hän­ni, CEO
Tel. +41 (0)31 359 24 64

Wer­ner Fehl­mann, Ope­ra­ti­ons & Ser­vices (COO), Mit­glied GL
Tel. +41 (0)31 359 24 57

Jürg Weber, Lei­ter Ent­wick­lung (CTO), Mit­glied GL
Tel. +41 (0)31 359 24 60