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New version of X4fleet successfully released

X4fleet: New functions in the backend and driver APP

In the recent­ly released ver­si­on, errors have been cor­rec­ted and num­e­rous other backend func­tions have been intro­du­ced in the are­as of order manage­ment and dis­po­si­ti­on. Details can be found in the release notes on the x4fleet web­site (only for regi­stered users). Also com­ple­te­ly revi­sed was the dri­ver APP. The scope of ser­vices has been exten­ded mas­si­ve­ly once again and now makes it pos­si­ble to pro­cess mea­su­red ACTUAL data.

Don’t hesi­ta­te and ask for a non-bin­ding pre­sen­ta­ti­on of X4fleet, as a web ses­si­on or at your site.