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The Management Center

The most important facts in brief

  • URL access via browser.
  • Data stored in the “cloud” (Micro­soft Azu­re, 7x24, encrypted)
  • Inter­face to source system (orders, etc)
  • Inte­gra­ti­on into exi­sting systems
  • order ent­ry
  • Dis­po­si­ti­on (also AdHoc orders) / Opti­mi­zed capa­ci­ty utilization
  • sequence opti­mizati­on
  • rou­te planning
  • Invol­vement of sub­con­trac­tors or exter­nal dri­vers in the deli­very process
  • Map dis­play (vehic­les, orders, sta­tus, times, etc.)
  • Track and Trace (track­ing, tracking)
  • Tour sta­tus (pro­ces­sed stops,…)
  • Auto­ma­tic notification
  • Auto­ma­ted deli­very note/receipt rece­ipt (with signature)
  • Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on (tele­pho­ne, mes­sa­ges, voice messages)
  • Master data admi­ni­stra­ti­on (fleet, dri­ver, etc.)
  • Logs (working time, tele­com, tour/km/stops/stops etc.)
  • Eva­lua­tions (cus­to­mer-spe­ci­fic)
  • report gene­ra­tor
  • Various inter­faces to third-par­ty systems


Der Dis­po­nent hat jeder­zeit die vol­le Über­sicht über den jewei­li­gen Stand­ort der Fahr­zeu­ge und deren Sta­tus. Sind im Rah­men von Logi­stik 4.0 Pro­jek­ten Sen­so­ren an X4fleet ange­schlos­sen, kann deren Zustand direkt auf dem Moni­to­ring Bild­schirm ange­zeigt wer­den.
Er kann mit ein­zel­nen kom­mu­ni­zie­ren oder eine Mel­dung an Alle sen­den. Dies kann er mit Text- oder Sprach­nach­rich­ten machen.

Order Management

All orders pre­sent in the system are visi­ble here, regard­less of whe­ther they have ente­red via an inter­face or have been ente­red direct­ly and manu­al­ly direct­ly into X4fleet. Exten­si­ve func­tions are available to the user for pro­ces­sing orders. For exam­p­le, also for split­ting trans­fer orders.

Detailed view and order entry

Orders can be dis­play­ed and edi­ted in a detail­ed view. The same view is used for manu­al ent­ry of orders. Seve­ral part orders can be ente­red for each order. You can crea­te order tem­pla­tes for fre­quent­ly used orders. Packa­ges, goods, ser­vices and loa­ding equip­ment can be recorded.


The real heart of X4fleet is the dis­po­sti­ons. Here you can sche­du­le the trans­port orders for tours. A wide varie­ty of func­tions from manu­al to auto­ma­tic rou­te plan­ning are available for this pur­po­se. The plan­ning methods are adapt­ed to the respec­ti­ve requi­re­ments by means of para­me­ters. Frame tours can be taken over from the pre­vious system or the frame­work tour manage­ment inte­gra­ted in X4fleet can be used.

Mission overview

If the trans­fer orders have been plan­ned and released, they appear on the shift over­view. The dis­play along the time axis pro­vi­des a quick over­view of the sta­tus of the tours.

The X4Gateway interface

Clever interface opens up other systems

We imple­ment inter­faces via X4Gateway. For the suc­cessful inte­gra­ti­on of dif­fe­rent mobi­le solu­ti­ons and pro­ces­ses into ever­y­day ope­ra­ti­ons, it is cru­cial that the dif­fe­rent data flows can be lin­ked tog­e­ther. The trans­port manage­ment system X4fleet must be able to be con­nec­ted to its own ERP or to that of sup­pliers. This ensu­res col­la­bo­ra­ti­on and data exch­an­ge in a secu­re and sca­lable environment.

The X4Gateway pre­fa­b­ri­ca­ted pro­cess com­pon­ents for fre­quent inte­gra­ti­on sce­na­ri­os redu­ce the imple­men­ta­ti­on effort. The imple­men­ta­ti­on is based on a tested and tried-and-tested basis. With the object-ori­en­ted approach of X4Gateway, pro­cess imple­men­ta­ti­ons can be crea­ted as com­pon­ents. The dash­boards show both the ope­ra­tio­nal pro­cess and the inte­gra­ti­on. In this way, we enable you and us to have an end-to-end view wort­hy of the name. Always keep track of all invol­ved IT systems and manu­al tasks. From the uni­fi­ed cock­pit, you and we have an over­view of the enti­re system at all times.