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Stan­dard Android tablets or smart­phones are used as vehic­le end devices. In addi­ti­on, the­re are various parts for moun­ting the tray in the vehicles.

Xpla­nis curr­ent­ly sug­gests the fol­lo­wing devices (list can be adju­sted at any time):

Not too small, not too big, our favourite


Sam­sung Gala­xy Tab S2 (8 Zoll, LTE)

If it can be a little bigger


Sam­sung Gala­xy Tab S2 (9.7, LTE)

Small and beautiful


Gala­xy Tab A (2016, 7.0, LTE)

Xpla­nis has deve­lo­ped its own hol­der for the­se devices, which allo­ws the tablet to be atta­ched easi­ly and with one hand. We also sup­p­ly fastening mate­ri­als from renow­ned manufacturers.

Take care of the tablet with one hand


XPL Tablet Hol­der for Sam­sung Gala­xy Tab S2 8 inch, Gala­xy Tab S2 9.7 inch, Gala­xy Tab S2 9.7 inch, Gala­xy Tab A 7 inch

Made enti­re­ly of chro­me steel in Switzerland.


Flexibler Arm mit 1'' Kugel und Grundplatte

Fast and permanently fixed in the vehicle


Fastening mate­ri­als from renow­ned manu­fac­tu­r­ers for a wide varie­ty of needs and applications

Our accessories


Request the com­ple­te and up-to-date list of recom­men­ded tablets, tablet hol­ders and moun­ting mate­ri­als wit­hout obli­ga­ti­on.